Saturday, March 12, 2011

Victorian Era Handbags crochet thread and glass beads

I did not use a pattern I free-styled this handbag. It is very simple after learning a few key crochet stitches to make this.

I used crochet thread and the larger size glass seed beads that are commonly available at any Michael's or Walmart.

 click image then click once again for magnification

I used a peyote stitch for the strap clasp which is simply a small tube that you slide up the straps to keep the bag closed.

here you may see the detail I applied to the wrist straps... two rows of clustered beads as an accent

and the completed bag as seen here. Just big enough for a night out Ladies!!! "n_n"


  1. This beaded hand bag may have gone out of style, but given the right changes, it's inevitable when it goes back in fashion.

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  2. What a creative way to make this kind of handbag. The handbag is just simply a work of art. I like the idea of using these materials to make a compelling bag which is totally fashionable.

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