Monday, November 30, 2009

"Peekaboo" says Bumpiddy Doo!

During the Victorian Era it was common for girls and ladies to make things by hand as gifts, such as doilies, back splashes for vanities, etc. Recently I've discovered a Japanese style of crochet called Amigurumi. So I am designing all of my gifts in this style of crochet! Bumpiddy Doo is a gift I have just finished for my sister, it is a surprise so I will not post complete photos of him till after she has received him.

This is an illustration from the cover of 'Illustrated London News' 1876.

This is an anonymous illustration of a mother and child making gifts.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

fake daguerreotype

This is a CDV/daguerreotype image transform I did recently for a photographer in the Netherlands.

Here is my portrait as a daguerreotype also.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

This is what the original photo looked like before I transformed it with my trickery.

Newer version of my moldering antique portrait, was going for that musty Carte de Vista look or fungus riddled cabinet photo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

1880 bustle bodice repro

This is a shot of me making the pleats for the bodice hem.  I used 100% cotton duct, basically black canvas I wanted the garment to be durable and washable.

The following is my adaptation of the 1880 bodice pattern I found at

Detail of buttons and buttonholes.

I decided to use pleats instead of tabs like the original.

Back panels.

The finished bodice with my beautiful kitty's fur all over.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Steampunk embroidery stuff "stitchfinger"

An idea I came up with after picking up embroidery again recently. The project took me a few days, and it was quite painful at the end of the day. So I thought of these. Have yet to make them.

A website by an amazing seamstress. I am currently recreating this pattern

I will post photos later.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I found this wonderful book at the library. "Victorian Women's Fashion Cuts" selected and arranged by Carol Belanger Grafton 1993 Dover Publications